Home Worship Services
October 30th, 2022 Service
Focus: “Our children are our greatest treasure. There can be no keen-er revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its chil-dren.”
— Nelson Mandela, Former President of South Africa
Other People
Focus: “None of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful.”
– Mother Teresa
October 16th, 2022 Service
Focus: The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart. – Helen Keller
October 9th, 2022 Service
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Matthew 5:4
World Communion Sunday 2022
Focus: Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world. All things break. And all things can be mended. Not with time, as they say, but with intention. So go. Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally. The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is you. L.R. Knost
September 25th Service 2022
Focus: Heavenly Rays, As summer into autumn slips,
O give me grace today, To rise and turn as summer’s leaves
Draw life and strength from heavenly rays. Emily Dickinson
Laughter Lifts Our Spirits
Focus: A smile starts on the lips, a grin spreads to the eyes, a chuckle comes from the belly; but a good laugh bursts forth from the soul,
overflows, and bubbles all around.
Carolyn Birmingham
Hope and Healing
Focus: “Faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1
Live Fully and Joyfully
“Musicians must make music, artists must paint, poets must write if they are ultimately to be at peace with themselves. What humans can be, they must be.” ―Abraham Maslow
Holy Hospitality
“True hospitality is marked by an open response to the dignity of each and every person.” – Kathleen Norris
God Is In All of Creation: Celebrating Presence
Focus: “Teach your children what we have taught our children: that the earth is our mother. Whatever befalls the earth, befalls the children of the earth. This we know. The earth does not belong to us; we belong to the earth. Our God is the god of all people. And compassion is equal for all. this earth is precious to God, and to harm the earth is to heap contempt on the creator. So love it as we have loved it. care for it as we have cared for it. and with all your mind, with all your heart, preserve it for our children and love as God loves us all.” ― Chief Seattle
Heart Prayers: Blessing the World
“Bless the world with your mind, heal the world with your heart, lift the world with your soul; elevate the world with your life.” Matshona Dhliwayo
The Struggling Times: Facing Illness, Loss and Grief
Focus: “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” – Isaiah 40:31
Passages: Special Moments
Focus: “There it is-Happiness. Here it comes, closer and closer. I can hear its footsteps. And if we never see it or know it, well, that’s all right too. Others will.” Anton Checkov
Seasons: Journeying through the Year
Focus: “What we could not fathom doing when we were young, we find great joy in when we are old. Like the seasons through which we move, life itself is a never-ending series of harvests, a different fruit for every time.” Sister Joan Chittister
Holy Moments: Celebrating the Gifts of Life
Focus: But listen to me For one moment quit being sad.
Hear blessings dropping their blossoms all around you. Rumi
Celebrating God’s Presence in Each Moment
Focus: I will bless the Lord at all times; God’s praise will always be in my mouth. — Psalm 34:1
July 3rd Service 2022
Focus: ‘The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams’ — Eleanor Roosevelt
The Sacrament of the Present
Focus: It isn’t the burdens of today that drive men mad. It is the regrets over yesterday and the fear of tomorrow. Regret and fear are twin thieves who rob us of today. –Robert Hastings
Father’s Day 2022
The Community Gathers: Experience God’s presence in the assembly. Please greet one another with joy and welcome new friends into our community of love.
Celtic Spirituality
“To know the Creator we need only to look at the things He created, ‘through the letters of scripture and the species of creation.” John Philip Newell
Transformed by the Holy Spirit
The Community Gathers: Experience God’s presence in the assembly. Please greet one another with joy and welcome new friends into our community of love.