Laughter Lifts Our Spirits

Link to Sermon

                                       Order of Worship

         Let us be as open vessels that God’s spirit may enter.

The Community Gathers:  Experience God’s presence in the assembly. Please greet one another with joy and welcome new friends into our community of love.

        You are welcome here…come and worship!

Focus:   A smile starts on the lips, a grin spreads to the eyes, a chuckle comes from the belly; but a good laugh bursts forth from the soul,

overflows, and bubbles all around.                     — Carolyn Birmingham

Gathering Music: Oh What a Beautiful Mornin’ (by Richard Rogers)

                  -Michelle Currie


Responsive Call to Worship:

Leader:  Look to the mountains; look to the hills.  Love comes to us with joy!

All:  The world is filled with beauty. The blooms and leaves of

autumn usher in the new season,

Leader:  Birdsong brightens the day. Crops yield their produce in

abundance, the air is filled with sweetness.

All:  God’s love is with us. Let the oil of gladness anoint

your souls.  Arise and sing for joy!

Opening Hymn:  Here In This Place   vs. 1,2 & 4                      #401


Creating God, you are the source of creation’s

splendor—the beauty of summer as it unfolds into fall,

and the sweet sound of birdsong. We come to you this morning

with delight and gladness, grateful for all of your wonders.

As the fields produce their harvest, may your love grow

within us, that we too may produce a harvest

of love, hope, and joy. Amen. 

Lords Prayer:                      

Awakening: Smile (by Charlie Chaplin)  -Michelle Currie 

Scripture: Psalm 126: 1-6; Genesis 18:1-14, Luke 18:15-17

                                                                              –Sue Maccalous                                                                                                 

Sermon: How Good It Is To Laugh                         Rev. Paula Norbert

Sermon Response:  Meditative Instrumental ~ Michelle Currie

Musical call to Prayer:  (two times)  Hush now in quiet peace, be still your mind at ease. The Spirit brings release, so wait upon the Lord.

                               Prayers of the People

   Silent Prayers                                            Pastoral Prayer

Offertory Invitation:  Sinole Gifts (by Joseph Brackett)  -Michelle Currie

Doxology:  Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise God all creatures here below. Praise God above ye heavenly hosts, Creator, Christ and Holy Ghost.  Amen.

Prayer of Dedication:                               

Closing Hymn:  For the Beauty of the Earth  vs.1,2,3 & 4           #14


Now leave this place knowing that all things are

Possible with the One who loves us. Go into the world, walk in love,

Share the healing power of God with everyone

And allow the peace of God that is beyond all understanding

Keep your hearts and minds in perfect peace.  Amen.

Recessional: Go in Peace

Go in peace and the peace of God be with you this day.

Go in peace and the peace of God be with you always.

celebrate and share the joy. Celebrate new life.

Go in peace and the peace of God be with you always.

Thank you to our Music Director, Michelle Currie, our Zoom host, and our Reader today.

                        See you on Facebook!!

Union Church has a new home on Facebook and we’d love it if you joined us there! We created a new Facebook page – one that is open to the public so people can find and learn more about us. We’ll be posting information about upcoming services, events, and music, along with positive, inspirational thoughts. We’ll also post photos of our church community volunteering and having fun together.

Our new page address:

If you go to our old page, there is a post with a link to the new page!

[A1] Pastor’s Contact Info:

Rev. Paula Norbert (207) 205-4951 or (

If you are interested in joining Union Church or would like to set up a time to meet with our Pastor, please contact Pastor Paula directly. 

Union Church website:  Church Address: Union Church, P.O. Box 344, B.P. ME.  04006.

