Sacred People – Advent Week 2 – Love

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Reflecting the Sacred

Let us be as open vessels that God’s spirit may enter.

The Community Gathers:  Experience God’s presence in the assembly. Please greet one another with joy and welcome new friends into our community of love.

      You are welcome here…come and worship!


Gathering Music:

Upon this moment, upon this people,

upon this place, the holy comes.

And sacred knowing brings sacred being

for sacred doing of God’s plan.


We pray for Love this day.

We pray for Love this day.

We open to see the Sacred reflected in all things.

We open to see the Sacred reflected in all things.

We open to see each moment

We open to see each moment

as a gift of holy presence.

as a gift of holy presence.

This is the gift of the Christ Mystery,

This is the gift of the Christ Mystery,

lighting the way to love.

lighting the way to love.

Advent Wreath:

Upon this moment, upon this people,

upon this place, the holy comes.

And sacred knowing brings sacred being

for sacred doing of God’s plan.

Opening Prayer: 

Living God, Christ Mystery, Spirit of Love,

we give you thanks for this holy gathering of Beloveds.

As we take in the love you offer,

may we be a reflection of your light,

expanding the sacred presence you have promised

into the sacred presence we can offer. Amen.

Lord’s Prayer

Opening Hymn:  People Look East    #105         vs. 1,2,4 & 5

Scripture:   Romans 15: 4-13, Matthew 3: 1-12    -Maureen White        

Reflection:                                                   Rev. Paula Norbert

                      Celebration of the Lord’s Supper

        Words of Invitation             The Bread and The Cup

                           Prayer of Thanksgiving

Music:  Instrumental Meditation

Musical call to Prayer:  (two times)  Hush now in quiet peace, be still your mind at ease. The Spirit brings release, so wait upon the Lord.

                          Prayers of the People

            Silent Prayers            Pastoral Prayer

Offertory:  Usher In Love (by Jen Comeau) 

 -Jen Comeau & Michelle Currie

Doxology:  Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise God all creatures here below. Praise God above ye heavenly hosts, Cre-ator, Christ and Holy Ghost.  Amen.

Closing Hymn:  While We Are Waiting, Come    #92


When you see lights twinkle,

when you catch a reflection in a mirror,

when you notice the sunlight dancing on a surface

or a nightlight glowing in the darkness,

let these be signs that the Christ Light is revealed

again and again in and through this world.

Know that your brilliant presence is pouring more love

into a weary world. God loved us by becoming us.

This means you are already reflecting the sacred. In the

name of the Creator, Christ, and Spirit of Love. Amen.

Postlude:  We Need a Silent Night In Here (by Marsha Jean Moors-Charles/Chuck Bell)        -Michelle & Congregation

We need a silent night in here.

We need your presence to come near.

Give us the hope we seek

and the peace we need.

We need a silent night in here.

Give us the hope we seek

and the peace we need.

We need a silent night in here.

With Great thanks to our Music Director Michelle Currie & Guest Musician Jen Comeau, and to our Zoom Host and Readers today.

Worship Notes:  Worship series design © Worship Design Studio by Marcia McFee. Used, adapted, and live-streamed with permission.

The shiny additions to our Advent and Christmas visuals remind us that we are called to reflect the sacred each and every day. “Incarnation” is a word that means that God’s presence came to dwell among all people, and we believe this happened in a special way in the birth of Jesus. All creation has always been imbued with the Creator’s brilliance. This season, we will remember the call to shine with this holy light.

                    Prayers and Reflections

When you regarded me

Your eyes imprinted your grace in me,

In this, you loved me again,

And thus my eyes merited

To also love what you see in me…

Let us go forth together to see ourselves in Your beauty.

St. John of the Cross, Spiritual Canticle

Gentle me,

Holy One,

into an unclenched moment,

a deep breath,

a letting go

of heavy expectancies,

of shriveling anxieties,

of dead certainties,

that, softened by the silence,

surrounded by the light,

and open to the mystery.

I may be found by wholeness,

upheld by the unfathomable,

entranced by the simple,

and filled with the joy

that is You.

Ted Loder

Life is short and we do not have much time

to gladden the hearts of those

who make this earthly pilgrimage with us.

So, be swift to love,

make haste to do kindness,

shower abundant hospitality on friend and stranger,

walk in justice that you may follow the path of mercy and love.

And the blessing of God who comes to us unbidden,

who for our lives was broken,

and in whose Spirit we are guided into wholeness and holiness of life,

be upon you and those who you love and pray

for this day, and forevermore.


From Sabbath Moments, Rev. Terry Hershey