Past Sermons
We Are Tired of War!
Link to Service In this morning’s reading from Paul’s Letter to the Romans, we hear an extended description of what it means to be a
In which we learn about life and love from Winnie the Pooh and Friends
Link to Service This morning, we take a moment to remember our ancestors; we remember the grandparents and parents, aunts and uncles, perhaps brothers and
There is Always Light
Link to Service “Comfort, comfort my people, says your God” These words from the great prophet Isaiah in chapter 40 express the deep yearnings of
Living the Question of Faith
By Stephen Fox Link to Service Thank you Marti for the reading from the Gospel of Matthew. Where we hear the story of Jesus walking
Honesty and Unity
Link to Service Many years ago, I had the privilege of taking a graduate course when I was doing my graduate in work in education
Caregiving As A Community
by Kathleen Koles Link to Bulletin Good morning. I spoke to Paula a while back about sharing reflections on the “Burdens and Blessings of Caregiving”.
Love Will Be Our Judge
Link to Bulletin Our readings this morning remind us of something we have known all along. Love is at the heart of the Bible; love
Are You There God?
Link to Service Bulletin The summer season has long been a time for people to relax, to take time away from our work and daily
What Then Must We Do?
Link to Service We hold in our hearts this day all those in the wake of Hurricane Idalia that was moving across Florida as I
Union Church periodically publishes a newsletter that highlights the church news and events, the writing or photographic talents of the church members and inspirational reflections for all to consider. These links take you to some of the many newsletters of recent years also captures the recent history of this church. All these dated newsletter links will let you enjoy the story that highlights much of the life that is Union Church of Biddeford Pool:
The archives of various important records of Union Church
At our June 18, 2017, semi-annual Meeting we approved a revision of the Union Church Constitution and also adopted a set of Policies and Procedures governing the operations of the Church. These two documents are available for all to read here:
Union Church Constitution
Adopted June 18, 2017
Union Church Policies and Procedures
Adopted June 18, 2017
In 2015 Union Church was faced with the need to find a new pastor after the retirement of long-serving Pastor Jan Hryniewicz. As a result, the leadership of the church decided a self-reflection and analysis process needed to be undertaking by the church family:
Union Church Profile
Who We Are