Past Sermons
Worship the Lord with Gladness & Song
August 13, 2017 — Nancy Bancroft Readings: 1 Chronicles 13:5-8; Colossians 3: 16-17 The Sonny & Cher Comedy Hour was a variety show that premiered
We are a Pilgrim People
Nancy Bancroft — August 6, 2017 Readings: Genesis 12:1-9; Hebrews 11:8-16 When we here in the United States hear the word pilgrim, our first thought is
Reverberate in the Lord!
July 30, 2017 — Nancy Bancroft Readings: Psalm 150, Romans 12: 1-18 In 2001 I was hired as an ethicist for a large health system
Blessed Are Those in Right Relationship
July 23, 2017 — Nancy Bancroft Readings: Matthew 5:1-12 (two versions) I missed it. Since 2013, the United Nations has celebrated March 20 as the
Reverence for the Earth
July 16, 2017 — Lisa Barstow 46 years ago astronaut Ed Mitchell took a photograph of what he called the “blue green marble” He was
Rest in Peace
July 9, 2017 — Nancy Bancroft Readings: Psalm 46: 1-5; 10; 2 Thessalonians 1:-1-4; 3:16-18 Last week we considered the difference between happiness that is
Rejoice in the Lord Always
July 2, 2017 — Nancy Bancroft Readings: Isaiah 9: 2-3; Philippians 4:4-9 Lucy is trying to comfort Charlie Brown after his strikeout: “That’s all
The Play
June 18, 2017 — Nancy Bancroft Readings : Psalm 100; Mt. 11: 28 – 12:8 It is known simply as “The Play.” “The Play” is
There May Be Angels
June 11, 2017 — Nancy Bancroft Readings: Genesis 18:1-16; Hebrews 13:1-3 There’s a story about a boy who was wandering around the narthex of a
Union Church periodically publishes a newsletter that highlights the church news and events, the writing or photographic talents of the church members and inspirational reflections for all to consider. These links take you to some of the many newsletters of recent years also captures the recent history of this church. All these dated newsletter links will let you enjoy the story that highlights much of the life that is Union Church of Biddeford Pool:
The archives of various important records of Union Church
At our June 18, 2017, semi-annual Meeting we approved a revision of the Union Church Constitution and also adopted a set of Policies and Procedures governing the operations of the Church. These two documents are available for all to read here:
Union Church Constitution
Adopted June 18, 2017
Union Church Policies and Procedures
Adopted June 18, 2017
In 2015 Union Church was faced with the need to find a new pastor after the retirement of long-serving Pastor Jan Hryniewicz. As a result, the leadership of the church decided a self-reflection and analysis process needed to be undertaking by the church family:
Union Church Profile
Who We Are