Together in the Boat

Link to Sermon

           Order of Worship

            Let us be as open vessels that God’s spirit may enter.

The Community Gathers:  Experience God’s presence in the assembly. Please greet one another with joy and welcome new friends into our community of love.

              You are welcome here…come and worship!

Focus:   You must do the thing you think you cannot do.
                                                                    Eleanor Roosevelt

Gathering Music:  Get Together (by The Youngbloods)  -Ada Goff & Michelle Currie

Welcome:                                                                 Rev. Paula Norbert

Responsive Call to Worship: 

Mighty God, who speaks a word of peace to calm our troubled sea;
Caring God, who nudges us away from fear and toward faith;
Ever-present God, who fills us with awe,
but also raises many questions-without easy answers;
Open our eyes to see you in our boat—today,
Strengthen our hearts for the challenges that lie ahead,
Open our ears this hour to hear the word you speak.

Opening Hymn:  My Life Flows On   #821  bs. 1-3


Loving God, We gather in this place to worship You
O God: calm Presence in our times of confusion,
Comforter in our nights of struggle.
We gather with fellow pilgrims, as we seek to follow Jesus:
Brother to those swamped by fears,
Friend to all overwhelmed by loss.
We are brought together by the Spirit who lives in the depths
of our souls:the Serenity who travels with us
on this up-and-down journey we call life. Be with us this morning and give us peace. Amen.

Lords Prayer:  A version by Parker Palmer    

Heavenly Father, heavenly Mother,
Holy and blessed is your true name.
We pray for your reign of peace to come,
We pray that your good will be done,
Let heaven and earth become one.
Give us this day the bread we need,
Give it to those who have none.
Let forgiveness flow like a river between us,
From each one to each one.
Lead us to holy innocence
Beyond the evil of our days —
Come swiftly Mother, Father, come.
For yours is the power and the glory
and the mercy:  Forever your name is All in One. Amen.

Awakening:  Calling All Angels (by Jane Siberry)                     -Ada Goff

Readings: 2 Corinthians 6:1-13, Mark 4: 35-41

      -Peter McPheeters                                                                          

(After the readings you may respond, “Thanks be to God”)

Sermon:     In The Boat Together                           Rev. Paula Norbert

Sermon Response:  Meditative Instrumental (arr. by Michelle Currie)
 -Michelle Currie

Musical call to Prayer:  Hush now in quiet peace, be still your mind at ease. The Spirit brings release, so wait upon the Lord. (two times)

Offertory:  Peace (by Michael McDonald)                          -Michelle Currie

                               Prayers of the People:

          Silent Prayers                                 Pastoral Prayer

Closing Hymn:  Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee         #611  vs 1-3

Blessing                                       Rev. Paula Norbert

Bless the wisdom of the holy one above us
Bless the truth of the holy one beneath us
Bless the love of the holy one within us
Go forth and be a blessing to others…

                                                                  (Chinook Psalter)

Response:  Thanks be to God

Closing:  Go In Peace…

Go in peace and the peace of God be with you this day.
Go in peace and the peace of God be with you always.
Celebrate and share the joy!  Celebrate new life!
Go in peace and the peace of God be with you always.

Summer Speaker Series at Union Church:  Tickets now on sale and still available for the four events in July and August. 

Semi-Annual Meeting of Union Church: Please join us on Sunday, July 14th directly following our Service for our meeting to review the budget and discuss other important matters of the church.