“Stories of the Spirit, Stories of the Heart”

Link to Bulletin Over the coming weeks, my hope is to share some stories with our community to help us reflect in new and perhaps different ways about life and faith, exploration and growth.  My words are inspired by a book I purchased many years ago entitled Stories of the Spirit, Stories of the Heart: […]

Four Freedoms

Link to Service             It’s a beautiful day to be together as we welcome many new members to this beloved community of faith.  In the week ahead, we will celebrate the 4th of July, a day when we might give thanks for the many blessings we have inherited from those who sought to live in […]

Together in the Boat

Link to Service We live along the Maine coast, and so I imagine that many of you have had the opportunity to go out on a boat at some point in your life, whether to sail or explore and enjoy the beautiful waters.  Maybe some of you have been out on a lake or the […]

Full Human Flourishing

Link to Service God’s ways are mysterious, it’s true, and our Gospel reading for this Sunday inspires a sense of wonder in these parable illustrations of God’s power to take small things and make them great.  Jesus offers parables in the Gospel reading from Mark as he compares the reign of God with the mysterious […]

Reflections on Sabbath

Link to Service             I remember when I lived for many years in the Boston area and would be out on a Saturday morning whether in Brookline or Chestnut Hill.  I would often see Jewish families walking together to the Synagogue for Worship.  It was their Sabbath and for those who are observant Orthodox Jews, […]

Reflections on Friendship

Link to Service Our Gospel reading today includes some important wisdom that Jesus sought to share with his disciples about what it means to embrace another in true friendship.   He says, “As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love… love one another as I have loved you. […]

A History of Union Church

Link to Service FINAL SCRIPT for 150th Anniversary Skit   April 27, 2014 Scene  (JOHN HUSSEY (Paul Schlaver) IN FRONT.) John Hussey (Paul) Good Morning. I’m John Hussey. The meeting of the Pool Religious Union Society will begin momentarily, as we are waiting for a few more men to arrive. On this 12th day of […]

Earth Day 2024

What Then Must We Do? Link to Service Tomorrow, we will celebrate Earth Day, a day filled with both wonder and sorrow. Earth Day was first celebrated on April 22, 1970 as a day to honor the Earth and to participate in environmental teach-ins. Since then, the environmental movement has grown in this country and […]

Holy Humor Sunday Reflections

Link to Service Good morning and Happy Easter!  A woman invited some people to dinner. At the table, she turned to her six-year-old daughter and said, “Would you like to say the blessing?””I wouldn’t know what to say,” the little girl replied. “Just say what you hear Mommy say,” the mother said. The little girl […]

Invincible Hope

Easter Sermon Link to Service Happy Easter, my friends.  Even when the sun doesn’t shine on Easter morning, we arrive with the promise of Easter ringing in our hearts.  It is a new day, a beautiful day, a day of promise and a day when we are reassured that love is greater than death, that […]