The Best Valentine’s Day Ever
February 12, 2017 — Nancy Bancroft Readings: Psalm 100; John 13: 34-35 A young, nervous boy asked the girl, “Do you have a date for Valentine’s Day?” Hoping to be helpful she answered, “Yes, February 14th.” Well, this is not February 14th, but my hope is that today’s message will help you to have the […]
Blest Be the Tie That Binds
February 5, 2017 — Nancy Bancroft Readings: Isaiah 25:6-9; John 15:1-5 As most of you know, when Tom and I came to Union Church, we immediately fell in love with it; the welcoming community, the services, sermons, music, missions; all of it. And I liked that we gathered around in a circle at the end […]
Thy Will Be Done
January 22, 2017 — Nancy Bancroft Readings: Isaiah 42: 1-7; Luke 11: 1-4:Matthew 6: 9-10 This morning, Cris read two versions of the Lord’s Prayer. In the first from Luke, the disciples see Jesus praying and ask him to teach them how to pray. In the second reading Jesus gives this same prayer in a […]
May We Trust in Presence and Live in Peace
January 15, 2017 — Nancy Bancroft Readings: 2 Samuel 7:18-29; 1 Corinthians 1:10-17 Those of us who are old enough may recall the 1960s with fondness. Troubled as the times were, it started as a hopeful decade, a period when many of us dreamed that better days were on the horizon. We sang and […]
Arise! Shine! Your Light has Come!
January 8, 2017 — Nancy Bancroft Readings: Isaiah 60:1-6; Matthew 2:1-12 Epiphany is a complex feast. Originating in the Eastern Church and formed by the mentality of a people whose thought processes differ sharply from our own, the Epiphany is like a rich Oriental tapestry in which the various themes are interwoven; first looked at […]
Hope for the Journey
January 1, 2017 — Nancy Bancroft Readings: Revelations 21:1-6a; Matthew 25:31-40 Last Saturday we had two beautiful Christmas Eve celebrations. Despite many people having debilitating colds we had a gorgeous church, wondrous music, angels, drummers, beautifully proclaimed words and together we all celebrated Emmanuel –God-with-us. And it truly was a celebration. The music and the […]
Star of Wonder, Guide Us to Thy Perfect Light
December 24, 2016 — Nancy Bancroft Scripture Reading: Luke2:1-20 As I thought back to Christmases gone by I remembered that one of my favorite gifts was an Alice in Wonderland watch that came in a glass tea cup. Many of my friends that year got a Cinderella watch that came in a glass slipper, but […]
All You Need is Love
December 18, 2016 — Nancy Bancroft Readings: Psalms 103: 1-8: Matt. 1: 18-25 I’ve asked Michelle to help with the sermon this morning, and I’d like you to help as well. She’ll start us off and you’ll know when to come in. Michelle Currie: All You Need Is Love Yes, all we need is love. […]
My Soul Magnifies the Lord
December 11, 2016 — Nancy Bancroft Readings: Isaiah 35:1-10; Luke 1: 46b-55 Some of you have noticed and commented that I’ve become a bit of a fashionista with my vestments. I design and make all of my stoles. One reason is that I find that most of what’s available out there is rather boring. The […]
Peace is Built Every Day
December 4, 2016 — Nancy Bancroft Readings: Psalms 72:1-7, 18-19; Romans 15:4-13 It is fitting that our advent candles are placed within a wreath, because though each one represents a separate virtue, they are all interconnected. Last week’s candle Hope is, as Bob shared so well, dependent on Faith. To the degree that we believe, […]