The Way of Love, Yes

Link to Service November 26, 2023. By Rev. Lamar Robinson Confession is said to be good for the soul. So I will confess that when Paula invited me to bring the message today, I did not know it was Christ the King Sunday.Actually, I was not acquainted with Christ the King Sunday. Must have missed […]

Dare to Be a Daniel

July 8, 2018— Rev. Lamar Robinson Daniel 6:10-23 This morning we continue our adventure of re-visiting some of the classical stories of our faith, coming out of our Judeo-Christian traditions.  The stories you learned as children and never forgot.  The stories that give some direction to our lives,  help to form our values, and even […]

The Power of Forgiveness

March 12, 2017 — Rev. Lamar Robinson Readings: Matthew 18:21-22, Luke 23:32-34, Matthew 6:12   This message will not be lengthy – I will try to stop talking just before you stop listening – sometimes it works…but then again… It is always an honor and a privileges to lead worship at Union Church, in the absence of […]

Taking a Chance on Love

August 28, 2016 — Rev. Lamar Robinson Readings: Tobit 8: 5-8, 1 John 4: 7-8, 16b   Fair warning! This is what I call a “summer sermon”. (If you want a more complete explanation, ask me at coffee). It will be short. It will be simple. Hopefully, it will communicate a basic message with some […]

Have You Seen the Risen Christ Lately?

April 3, 2016 — Rev. Lamar Robinson   The Reader’s Digest periodically carries an article in its monthly magazine with the title of “Ten things your doctor, lawyer, accountant, whoever won’t tell you.”  These are things you really don’t want to know, but perhaps you should.  In the March issue it was “Things your sleep […]