Unleashing Creativity

Link to Service Before You were Told the Sun was Yellow, Would You have Painted it Blue Unleashing Creativity Good morning! I have to say that writing this sermon on creativity was hard. And I think it’s because Creativity did NOT want to be put into a box! Happy Father’s Day! May all the dads […]

The Profound, Paradoxical and Sacred Gift of These Times

June 9, 2019 — Jennifer Comeau   As many of you know, I was one of 350 people across the globe accepted to attend Climate Change & Consciousness conference in Findhorn, Scotland in late April. How I got a “Yes,” when there were probably thousands more qualified is not a small thing: I wrote the […]

Spring: A Season, a State of Mind

April 23, 2017 — Jennifer Comeau   Remember a few months ago when I asked for a show of hands, “who loves winter?” Today I’ll ask for a show of hands, “Who hates spring?” (None of us do!) During spring, we experience a quickening, an easing, a lightening. Simply put: we experience expansion. Suddenly, after months […]

I Approve This Moment

October 30, 2016 — Jennifer Comeau   Let me begin by telling you a little story. It starts back when I was a buck-toothed, stringy-haired, eager-to-please eleven year old in 6th grade. My sister, Elaine, who was a year older, was making her Confirmation. One of the presents she received was this book mark. For some […]

Come By Here, My Lord

Jennifer Comeau, Nov. 16th 2014 Today, I want to share this very human idea that God is someone we call on, or return to again and again, when in fact, God never leaves. It is we who leave. And yet, we ask over, and over: Come, Lord. Be with me now. First though, I’ll tell you […]