Breaking Free

April 5, 2015  _- Easter Sunday – 10:00 service  Text:  Jeremiah 31: 1 – 6  & Mark 16: 1 – 8 – Rev. Jan Hryniewicz  Don’t you just love Cris Hudson’s great picture of our very own Easter elves, dyeing eggs at Bonnie’s house last week!?   Do you know that just over one billion real […]

Things we Thought We Knew

Palm Sunday, March 29, 2015  Peter: LAMAR, Judas: KEN, Mary Magdalene:  ADA, Pharisee:  BOB, Roman: JOHN  Jan:  Throughout the course of human history, voices of peace have risen above the cacophony of violence …. echoing the Spirit of Divine love  and it’s longing for harmony in the human community. Their insight often as close as […]

Remnants of Resurrection

March 22, 2015 – Rev. Jan Hryniewicz Text: John 11: 1 – 41 Every year about this time, I expect….and long for an email or phone call from Laura McKenney : “ Jan, I have a crocus blooming in my front yard!!” It’s a cause for celebration and every year, I believe Laura is the […]