Sunday, March 24th, 2022

                          Image by Marston Porter

                        “Marston is a young man with Autism.

                       Making art brings him great happiness.”

Link to Sermon

Order of Worship

   Let us be as open vessels that God’s spirit may enter.

The Community Gathers:  Experience God’s presence in the assembly. Please greet one another with joy and welcome new friends into our community of love.  

       You are welcome here…come and worship!

Focus:   What if we do as Spring does …emerge from a cold, dark cocoon of chaos and conflict to a glorious ambience of light and warmth … shades of green and color …. to feel the glorious energy of new life … to fall in love? What if we do as the garden does….. welcome a variety of seeds to take root in our fertile soil and blossom forth ….creating a beautiful diversity of color and fragrance?  What if we listen to the varied voices of Earth which invite us to encourage and embrace symbiotic relationships that enable community and peace? As I pause….breathe…I become the energy. Hope…Diversity ….Community …Peace… Love.   ( Jan)

Gathering Music:   You’ll Never Walk Alone (by Richard Rogers) 

                                                                                -Michelle Currie

Responsive Call to Worship
One: Coming on the clouds or walking on the roads,
Many: The Christ is in our midst.
One: Inside of sanctuaries or outside of church buildings
Many: The Christ is in our midst
One: In heaven’s realm or the cyber universe
Many: The Christ is in our midst.

Opening Hymn:      Here In This Place                   p. 395      

Unison Invocation:
God of the visible and invisible,
We gaze upon roads ahead knowing that you

are ahead of us. We seek your presence when

the fog is heavy…And our hearts are hurting.
In the moments of haze, Clear the path before us.
In the moments of clarity, show your face to us.
Allow us to hear your voice in the depths of night
As we search for your presence and call. Amen

Lords Prayer:                      

Awakening:  I Believe (by Jule Styne)  -Michelle Currie

Scripture:  Psalm 46: 1 – 7; John 20:19:31        -Anne Murray

After the readings, you may respond “Thanks Be to God.”

 Prayer of Reflection and Growth. Do we know, each one of us, that we are bearers of the sacred beat of life?  Do we know that we can honor that beat in one another and in all things?  And do we know that it is this combination–of knowing that we are bearers of Presence and choosing to honor Presence in one another–that holds the key to transformation in our lives and world?” –John Philip Newell                                                         

Sermon: Old Senator & the Limping Peacock  

                                                                  Rev. Jan Hryniewicz

Meditative Instrumental ~  Michelle Currie

Musical call to Prayer:  (two times)  Hush now in quiet peace, be still your mind at ease. The Spirit brings release, so wait upon the Lord.

                          Prayers of the People:

              Silent Prayers                 Pastoral Prayer

Reflection on Giving
We hold many gifts in our hearts and minds. As we sense your presence surrounding us, may we discern ways to use our talents and treasures for the health of your realm.

With gratitude we pray:
Holy God, Holy Light
Even when our surroundings are murky, you shine around us. Even in the long nights of discernment and wonder, you make your presence known, calling us to use all of our gifts to enhance this world. May the gifts we share today and each day hereafter create a Church of grace and a Community of love. Amen.

Closing Hymn:       In the Bulb There is a Flower          p.  250


No matter the brightness of the day, Or the clear

skies of night, Our God is moving with us,
The Christ is calling to us “Peace be with you,”
And the Holy Spirit is surrounding us.
May Divine Serenity be.

Go In Peace