So Many Choices!

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                            Order of Worship

     Let us be as open vessels that God’s spirit may enter.

The Community Gathers:  Experience God’s presence in the assembly. Please greet one another with joy and welcome new friends into our community of love.

        You are welcome here…come and worship!

Focus:  “The love of God creates in us such a oneing that when it is truly seen, no person can separate themselves from another person.”                Julian of Norwich                                                                 

Music:  Draw The Circle Wide   (by Gordon Light and Mark Miller)                                   -Union Church Choir/Patricia Mulholland

Welcome and Silent Meditation                  Stephen Fox                                         

Responsive Call to Worship:     

L: God of many names and many images we come to you today in communal worship.

All: God, we return to you.

L: We have traveled through our daily lives with many cares and duties, and when we need healing,

All: God, we return to you.

L: When we fall into disorder, when we seek wisdom and guidance,

A: God, we return to you.

L: When we are lost in the confusion of our modern lives with distractions and dead end paths, when we yearn for truth and purpose,

A: God, we return to you.

L: Each one of us has our own special needs, needs that you know better than we know them ourselves,

All: God, we return to you

L: God we return to you,

All: And we know that you embrace us in your love. Amen

Opening Hymn:  God Is Calling Through The Whisper



Loving God, you fill all things with a fullness and hope that we can never comprehend.  Thank you for leading us into a time where more of reality is being unveiled for us all to see.  We pray that you will take away our natural temptation for cynicism, fear and despair.  Help us have the courage to awaken to greater truth, greater humility and greater care for one another.  May we place our hope in what matters and what lasts, trusting in your eternal presence and love.  Listen to our hearts’ longing for the healing of our suffering world.  Knowing, good God, you are hearing us better than we are speaking, we offer this prayer in all the holy names of God. Amen.

Lord’s Prayer

Awakening:  Oceans (by Hillsong Worship)  – Michelle Currie

Scripture: Exodus 25:1-8, John14:1.4, Matthew 23:37-39

                                                                        Caryn Firebaugh

Meditation:  So Many Choices!                      Stephen Fox    

Meditative Music:  Meditation #1  (by Michelle Currie)

   – Michelle Curie

Musical call to Prayer: (two times) Hush now in quiet peace, be still your mind at ease. The Spirit brings release, so wait upon the Lord.

                       Prayers of the People

            Silent Prayers            Pastoral Prayer

Closing Hymn:  There’s A Wideness in God’s Mercy #435


Know that we are all created in the image of God,

Know that he loves each and every one of us unconditionally

Know that he welcomes us into his presence

Know that we receive his blessing this day and everyday of our lives.

Postlude:  Go In Peace

Great thanks to our Music Director, Michelle Currie, Patricia Mulholland and the Union Church Choir, the reader today, Caryn Firebaugh and to our Zoom Host, Amy Labelle.

A special thank you to Ken Murray and Ned D for sharing their knowledge and wisdom with me as I prepared this service, and as always to my wife Patricia Mulholland, without whose help this service would not be what it is.

                                                                        Stephen Fox

Thanks to our church leadership

Moderator: Paul Schlaver

Clerk: Anita Coupe

Treasurer: Debbie Lamb

Mission Chair: Ken Murray

Deacons: Sharon Gaudin, Chair, Eve McPheeters, Nancy Batchelor, Ardis Chretien and Heather Davis, Associate Deacon

Trustees: John Comeau, Chair; Don Chretien, and Rob Harriman

Finance: Peter McPheeters, Chair, Debbie Lamb, Doug Firebaugh, Brad Coupe, and Bob Sherman

Program: Ken Murray, Chair

Music Director: Michelle Currie

Choir Director: Patricia Mulholland

Musical Team:  Jen and John Comeau, Ada Goff, Chris Humphrey, Neal Zweig, and Cheryl Sager

Promotions Person: Anita Coupe

Webmaster: Wonderful Websites

Pastor’s Contact Info:  Rev. Paula Norbert: 207-205-4951;