Change: Good News, Bad News
October 9, 2016 — Nancy Bancroft Readings: Isaiah 61:1-6; Romans 8: 35-39 Several weeks ago I made a list of themes for each service
The Harvest is Great
October 2, 2016 — Nancy Bancroft Readings: Deuteronomy 16:13-15; Matthew 9:35-37 The feast of Tabernacles is a harvest celebration and one of the three
Facing Giants
September 25, 2016 — Nancy Bancroft Readings: 1 Samuel 17: 2-50; Matthew 11:28-29 The Story of David and Goliath is likely a historical event.
Why I Read
September 18, 2016 — Tom Bancroft I have never thought of reading as a hobby. When I was thinking of writing something on a
September 18, 2016 — Lisa Barstow When I was a teenager I began keeping little scraps of paper with my thoughts scrawled on them
Lessons Learned From Life
September 18, 2016 — Marjorie Jamback Lessons learned from “hobbies” or rather, Lessons learned in living life. I always start with a smile. Facing
Sing to Yahweh
September 11, 2016 — Nancy Bancroft Readings: Psalms 98: 1-8; Colossians 3:16-17 It occurred to me as I prepared this sermon that by the
My Way
September 4, 2016 — Nancy Bancroft Readings: Isaiah 55:2- 5, 8-9; Matthew 20:1-16 Our first reading from Isaiah has the words, “Listen, listen to
Taking a Chance on Love
August 28, 2016 — Rev. Lamar Robinson Readings: Tobit 8: 5-8, 1 John 4: 7-8, 16b Fair warning! This is what I call a
We are More than the Sum of Our Parts
August 21, 2016 — Nancy Bancroft Last January, at my first service as your interim pastor I used a children’s book entitled, It will
Simply Being
August 7, 2016 — Nancy Bancroft Readings: Exodus 3:9-15 , Luke 10:38-42 Some years ago, The Archbishop of Canterbury was rushing to catch a
Yard Sale of Our Soul
July 31, 2016 — Nancy Bancroft Readings: Psalm 39: 4-7, Matt. 6:19-21 I’ll keep my remarks short this week, because we have a Mission
More Will Be Revealed
July 24, 2016 — Nancy Bancroft Readings: Genesis 1:7-10; Mark 4:35-41 I chose the theme, Lessons from the Sea, before I looked for scripture
We Can’t Walk On Water if We Stay in the Boat
July 17, 2016 — Nancy Bancroft Readings: Isaiah 43:2-3; Matthew 14: 22-31 Today’s gospel story is a fun one to visualize, but first it
Sermon for Union Church
July 10, 2016 — Lisa Barstow Lisa Barstow gave the sermon today at Union Church: This is the introduction she gave I love the prayer
In Gratitude for Abundance
July 3, 2016 Nancy Bancroft Readings: Deuteronomy 26:1-1; Ephesians 1:15-23 Once upon a time there were five-year-old twin boys, one a pessimist and
We Have Been Inspirited and We Are One
June 26, 2016 — Nancy Bancroft Readings: Jeremiah 31:31-34; John 17: 20-23 There’s a cartoon in which Linus is walking with Charlie Brown and says
Let It Strengthen Us
June 19, 2016 — Nancy Bancroft Readings: Psalm 139: 1-14; 1 Corinthians 12: 12-21 At this week’s Tony Awards, Frank Langella, who won in
Peace is in the Now
June 12, 2016 — Nancy Bancroft Readings: Psalms 90:1-4; 12-17, John 14:25-27, 2 Thessalonians 3:16 The three readings today have two things in common;
We Are the Hands of God
June 5, 2016 — Nancy Bancroft Readings: Psalm 4; John 7: 33-36; 2 Corinthians 4:6-12 You’ve probably all heard this one, but it fits
Mi Casa es Su Casa
May 29, 2016 — Nancy Bancroft Readings: Ecclesiastes 3: 1-13; Mt 10: 40-42 Memorial Day is a holiday that has evolved to incorporate a