Maundy Thursday

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Gathering Music:  Make Your Home Inside My Heart (by Sarah Brusco)        -Michelle Currie


Responsive Call to Worship:  

L:  Come and remember the love of Jesus, gathered at table with his friends.
All:  We come to receive from Christ the bread of life, the cup of blessing;

L:  Come, receive the tender service Christ offers each of us;
All:  We come to receive the challenge of the new commandment:  “Love one another.”

L:  Come and contemplate the many temptations of a world that would entice us, like Judas,

to betray the trust of a suffering God.

All:  We come to travel with Jesus the way of the Cross, so that our Easter “alleluia”

will take on new meaning.

L:  Let us worship together and reflect upon the life of Christ,
All:  that we might remember what discipleship may cost, and what it may reap.

Opening Prayer
Holy God,
Draw us into worship with a spirit of humility.
Let us gather with open hearts prepared to love,
even to the point of breaking,
as we seek to receive this story with our whole selves.
In drawing closer to Christ and his crucified love,
may we draw closer to you and your beloved world. Amen.

Opening Hymn:    Rock of Ages -Michelle Currie

Call To Reconciliation:

Words of Assurance:

God gives us grace and more grace.

Be assured of this truth, that in Christ you are forgiven!

Listening for God in the Stories of our Tradition

A New Commandment from Jesus: Servant Leadership

Scripture:  John 13:1-17, 31b-35. -Rev. Lamar Robinson

Community and Communion: God in Our Midst

Scripture:  1 Corinthians 11:23-26     -Sharon Gaudin

Sharing The Meal

Music:   One Bread, One Body  – Michelle Currie          

Scripture:  Luke 23:44-49 – Rich Westley

Closing Hymn:   What Wondrous Love Is This? -Michelle Currie           

Closing Prayer
 O Jesus, in this Holy Week you prayed
that we would love one another
as you have loved us.
Tonight we have tried to practice what you have taught us!
Let the love, joy and humility
we have known here
continue to bless us,
and let us share that blessing with world
you love and gave your life for.
May the peace we feel together in this place
Point us toward the hope of Easter. Amen   

                       In the spirit of this Sacred Night, let us depart in Silence

The name “Maundy Thursday” comes from the Latin word “mandatum,” which means “commandment,” as Jesus gave us all a new commandment on that night —that people should love one another even as Christ loves them (John 13:34-35). That spirit led the ruling monarch in Great Britain to give alms to poor people on the Thursday before Easter. These gifts were called “royal Maundy,” hence the name, Maundy Thursday.