June 4th, 2023 Service

Link to Sermon

Order of Worship

            Let us be as open vessels that God’s spirit may enter.

The Community Gathers:  Experience God’s presence in the assembly. Please greet one another with joy and welcome new friends into our community of love.

          You are welcome here…come and worship!

Focus:  “Justice demands integrity. It’s to have a moral universe–not only know what is right or wrong but to put things in perspective, weigh things.  Justice is different from violence and retribution; it requires complex accounting.” –bell hooks

Gathering Music:  If We’re Honest (by Fracesca Battistelli)  -Michelle Currie

Responsive Call to Worship:    

One: We begin life concerned with what is done to us.

Many: We learn to do to others what has been done to us.

One: We being our journey of faith learning to do for others

Many: This is often our gateway to deeper understandings of love and the fruits of the Spirit.

One: On this Trinity Sunday, understanding the Divine Creator as Beloved Community, let us learn a new way of being in the world.

Many:  We are invited to journey with our God, as Christ and the Holy Spirit journey with us.  Thanks be to God!

Opening Hymn:  Make Me A Channel of Your Peace       #753

Invocation: Gracious and Holy God, you promise to be present with us in every moment of our existence. It is a gift so good, we struggle to understand its meaning.  As you dwell with us in this place, may our hearts and minds expand to receive you.  Empower us to leave our doubts, our cynicism, our defenses outside this sanctuary.  While we gather here, fill us with your love, your compassion, your justice, so we can better trust you are with us when we re-enter the world.  Amen. 

Lord’s Prayer:                      

Awakening:   Go Light Your World (by Chris Rice)  -Michelle Currie                                                             -Michelle Currie

Scripture:                Genesis 1: 26, Matthew 28: 16-20

Sermon:          “With = Support + Accountability”  –Rev. Brian Gruhn       


Blessing the Elements

Invitation to the Table:    Pastor:  God is good,

                                           People: All the time,

                                           All: Taste and see.

Sharing the Meal

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Response:  Meditative Instrumental ~ Michelle Currie

Musical call to Prayer:  (sung two times)  Hush now in quiet peace, be still your mind at ease. The Spirit brings release, so wait upon the Lord.

                              Prayers of the People                             

           Silent Prayers                             Pastoral Prayer

Offertory:   Simple Gifts (by Joseph Brackett)  -Michelle Currie

Doxology:  Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise God all creatures here below. Praise God above ye heavenly hosts, Creator, Christ and Holy Ghost.  Amen.

Prayer of Dedication:           


Closing Hymn:                      Blest be the Tie that Binds   306        

Recessional: Go in Peace

Go in peace and the peace of God be with you this day.

Go in peace and the peace of God be with you always.

celebrate and share the joy. Celebrate new life.

Go in peace and the peace of God be with you always

Thank you to Music Director and Musician Michelle Currie.