January 29th, 2023 Service

Link to Sermon | Link to Zoom Service

Order of Worship

            Let us be as open vessels that God’s spirit may enter.

The Community Gathers:  Experience God’s presence in the

assembly. Please greet one another with joy and welcome new friend

s into our community of love.

              You are welcome here…come and worship!

Focus: “The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.” – Coretta Scott King

Gathering Music:   Hope Is Dawning  (by Michael Gungor/Matt Maher/Aaron Keyes/Johhny Parks)  -Michelle Currie


Call To Worship:

(Isaiah 9, Psalm 27, Matthew 4)

L:  To those who sit in darkness, light has dawned.

To those who dwell in gloom and despair,

All:  God’s presence has appeared.

God is indeed our light and our salvation.

L:  We will follow, unafraid,

where God and Jesus lead us.

All:  Let us worship our God of light and promise.

Let us celebrate the hope and joy of our salvation.

Opening Hymn:  Light Dawns on a Weary World     #79


God of light and love,

we come this morning with eyes stinging from the brightness

of your glory.We have become so accustomed to the darkness,

that your radiant light sometimes overwhelms us.

Open our eyes to the light of your dawn,

that our souls may be flooded

with love and mercy and joy.

Open our hearts to receive your message

of comfort and peace and security,

that we may find rest in your loving, protective presence.

Open our spirits to follow the path you put before us,

that we may lead lives committed to your Way. Amen.

Lords Prayer               

Awakening:  Let There Be Light  (by Scott Krippayne/Narie Reynolds/

 -Michelle Currie

Message for the children and the child in each of us:

Scripture Reading:  Micah 6:1-8, Matthew 5:1-12  -Dick Bennett

      After the reading, you may  respond, “Thanks be to God.”

Sermon:  Blest Are They, Blest Are We              -Rev. Paula Norbert

Semon Response: Meditative Instr. ~ Michelle Currie

Musical call to Prayer:  (two times)  Hush now in quiet peace, be still your mind at ease. The Spirit brings release, so wait upon the Lord.

                                Prayers of the People  

     Silent Prayers                                            Pastoral Prayer

Offertory: Simple Gifts  (by Joseph Brackett)                  -Michelle Currie

Doxology:  Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise God all creatures here below. Praise God above ye heavenly hosts, Creator, Christ and Holy Ghost.  Amen.

Prayer of Dedication:                       

Children’s Sharing Time:   

Closing Hymn:  This Little Light of Mine 

This Little Light of Mine  (Lyrics)

This little of mine I’m gonna let it Shine

This little light of mine I’m gonna let it shine

This little light of minse I’m gonna let it shine

Let it shine let it shine let it shine

Everywhere I go I’m gonna let it shine

Everywhere I go I’m gonna let it shine

Everywhere I go I’m gonna let it snine

Let it shine let it shine let it shine

Even in my house I’m gonna let it shine

Even in my house I’m gonna let it shine

Even in my house I’m gonna let it shine

Let it shine let it shine let it shine

All around this church I’m gonna let it shine

All around this church I’m gonna let it shine

All around this church I’m gonna let it shine

Let it shine let it shine let it shine


Now go surrounded by Christ’s light,
and the blessing of God – Creator, Christ and Holy Spirit –
be with you now and in all the days ahead. Amen.

Postlude:   Go In Peace…

Many thanks to Michelle Currie, our  Music Director, and to our Reader and Zoom Host today. 

Annual Meeting Today-Please join us directly after the Service for our Annual Meeting to approve our Church Budget and discuss the past year and our hopes for the year ahead.