Hope and Healing

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Order of Worship

  Let us be as open vessels that God’s spirit may enter.

The Community Gathers:  Experience God’s presence in the assembly. Please greet one another with joy and welcome new friends into our community of love.

                You are welcome here…come and worship!

Focus: “Faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we do not see.”                                                                                  Hebrews 11:1

Gathering Music:  Fields of Gold (by Sting)/Paul McCartney) 

                                                                                         -Michelle Currie

Welcome:                                                                   Rev. Paula Norbert

Responsive Call to Worship:

L: Just as the heavens burst forth in praise to God….
P: We celebrate God’s abundant and powerful love.
L: Day by day, and night by night…..
P: God watches over us, loving and healing us.
L: Come, celebrate with joy the love of God.
P: Open our hearts and spirits, Lord, and teach us your ways. Amen.

Opening Hymn:  Come, Live in the Light!                                       #749


O God of mercy and consolation, we have come this day to hear your words of healing love and hope. Enter our hearts and our spirits and teach us to follow you. Give us courage and strength to be your faithful disciples. Amen.

Lords Prayer:                      

AwakeningMy City of Ruins (by Bruce Springsteen)                      -Michelle Currie

Scripture:   Isaiah 40: 1-5, Mark 8: 34-38, A Memorial Prayer by

Rev. Jimmy Orr                                                                 -Cris Hudson

          After the reading, you may respond “Thanks Be to God”

Sermon:  The Gospel According to Springsteen           Rev. Paula Norbert

Response:  Instrumental                                                            -Michelle Currie

Musical call to Prayer:  (two times)  Hush now in quiet peace, be still your mind at ease. The Spirit brings release, so wait upon the Lord.

                                   Prayers of the People:

Silent Prayers                                                        Pastoral Prayer

Offertory:  Wind Beneath My Wings (by Larry Henley/Jeff Sibar)  -Michelle Currie

Doxology:  Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise God all creatures here below. Praise God above ye heavenly hosts, Creator, Christ and Holy Ghost.  Amen.

Prayer of Dedication:

Closing Hymn:           On Eagle’s Wings                                          #43


May you go in peace and know that God walks with you on this journey. Bring the good news of Christ’s healing love to all whom you meet.                                            

Response: Amen

Recessional: Go in Peace

Go in peace and the peace of God be with you this day.

Go in peace and the peace of God be with you always.

celebrate and share the joy. Celebrate new life.

Go in peace and the peace of God be with you always.

Thank you to our Music Director and Musician today, Michelle Currie.

Thanks to our Reader and Zoom Host.

Rev. Paula Norbert (207) 205-4951 or (pnorbert1217@gmail.com)

If you are interested in joining Union Church or would like to set up a time to meet with our Pastor, please contact Pastor Paula directly. 

Union Church website: www.unionchurchme.com.  Church Address: Union Church, P.O. Box 344, B.P. ME.  04006. 

For Your Reflection…

Geese appear high over us, pass, and the sky closes.

Abandon, as in love or sleep, holds them to their way,

clear in the ancient faith.

What we need is here,

And we pray,

not for new earth or heaven,

but to be quiet in heart, and in eye, clear.

What we need is here.

Wendell Berry

The Rising by Bruce Springsteen

Can’t see nothing in front of me

Can’t see nothing coming up behind

Make my way through this darkness

Can’t feel nothing but this chain that binds me

Lost track of how far I’ve gone

How far I’ve gone, how high I’ve climbed

On my back’s a sixty pound stone

On my shoulder, half a mile of line

Come on up for the rising

Come on up, lay your hand in mine

Come on up for the rising

Come on up for the rising tonight

Left the house this morning

Bells were ringing and they filled the air

Wearing the cross of my calling

On wheels of fire, I come rolling down here

Come on up for the rising

Come on up, lay your hands in mine

Come on up for the rising

Come on up for the rising tonight

La la la, la la la la la la (repeat)

Spirits above and behind me

Faces gone black, eyes burning bright

May their precious blood forever bind me

Lord, as I stand before your fiery light

La la la, la la la la la la (repeat)

I see Mary in the garden

In the garden of a thousand sighs

There’s holy pictures of our children

Dancing in a sky filled with light

May I feel your arms around me

May I feel your blood mixed with mine

Dream of life coming to me

Like a catfish dancing on the end of my line

Sky of blackness, sky of sorrow

Sky of love and sky of tears

Sky of glory and sadness

Sky of mercy, sky of fear

Sky of memory and sorrow

Your burning wind fills my heart tonight

Sky of longing and emptiness

Sky of fullness, sky of blessed life

Come on up for the rising

Come on up, lay your hands in mine

Lay your hand in mine, lay your hand in mine

Come on up for the rising tonight

La la la, la la la la la la  (repeat)

Sky of blackness, dream of life

Dream of life  Dream of life

Dream of life

My City of Ruins by Bruce Springsteen

There’s a blood red circle

On the cold dark ground

And the rain is falling down

The church door’s thrown open

I can hear the organ’s song

But the congregation’s gone

My city of ruins

My city is in ruins

Now the sweet bells of mercy

Drift through the evening trees

Young men on the corner

Like scattered leaves

The boarded up windows

The empty streets

While my brother’s down on his knees

My city of ruins

My city is in ruins

Now there’s tears on the pillow

Darlin’, where we slept

And you took my heart when you left

Without your sweet kiss

My soul is lost, my friend

Tell me how do I begin again?

My city’s in ruins

My city’s in ruins

Now with these hands

With these hands, I pray Lord

With these hands

With these hands

I pray for the strength, Lord

With these hands

With these hands

I pray for your love, Lord

With these hands

With these hands

Yeah, I pray for the lost Lord

With these hands

With these hands

I pray for your chains, Lord

With these hands

With these hands

I pray for the faith, Lord

With these hands

With these hands

I pray for your love, Lord

With these hands (come on)

With these hands (come on)

Come on, rise up (repeat)