Easter Sunday 2022

Link to Sermon

          Easter  Service

Let us be as open vessels that God’s spirit may enter.

The Community Gathers:  Experience God’s presence in the assembly. Please greet one another with joy and welcome new friends into our community of love.

           You are welcome here…come and worship!

Focus:“Easter means hope prevails over despair. Jesus reigns as Lord of Lords and King of Kings…Easter says to us that despite everything to the contrary, his will for us will prevail, love will prevail over hate, justice over injustice and oppression, peace over exploitation and bitterness.”                                 Desmond Tutu                      

Welcome: And now we encounter Easter. It is a day we proclaim that while death is a part of life–even little “deaths” along the way… of dreams, of love, of the way we thought life would go–even though this is a part of life, we are part of a faith that invites us to consider that the Good Gardener is always tending us, abiding with us, beyond any kind of death that faces us.                              Rev. Paula Norbert

Opening Reading:  Love Overcame by Julie Palmer        -Ada Goff

Gathering Music: “Agnes Dei” with “How Great Thou Art”  (by Michael W. Smith)  -Patricia Mulholland & The Union Church Choir

Responsive Call to Worship:

L: The darkness is gone.

P: Bright light floods into this new day of hope.

L: Those who went to the tomb received good news.

P: Christ was not there!

L: Christ is risen in our hearts and our spirits.

P: Christ is risen from the dead! Alleluia! Amen!

Hymn:    Morning Has Broken                                 #664                                         

Opening Prayer:       

     Holy One, On this Easter Sunday, we are reminded of the resurrection of Jesus, the promise of a life anew. How even in the darkest of days, we can be raised up, broken open, and made new again – just like the promise given to us.

     Lord, we hold in our hearts the fear, the sorrow, the worries and yes, the joy in our world today. Walk with us in our journey to resurrection. Break us open, give us new eyes and a new heart. Let peace be on the tip of our tongue and in the palm of our hands.

     Holy One, you know our hearts. Heal our hearts and our heads. Use our hands to feed, give, and comfort. Raise us up, break us open, and breathe new life into us so that we may be reflections of your peace, love, and justice in the world today and forever. Amen

Awakening: Easter Hallelujah (Music by Leonard Cohen/Lyrics by Kelley Mooney)                                                         -Michelle Currie

Readings:  Isaiah 65:17-25,  Matthew 28:1-10                 -Ada Goff

Sermon:   The Dawn of a New Day                       Rev. Paula Norbert

Music:  Meditative Instrumental                            ~ Michelle Currie                      

Prayers of Gratitude and Hope: 

       Lifting our worries, our burdens, our hopes this day

Hymn:  Christ the Lord is Risen Today!        # 245    vs. 1, 2 & 4                       


May the stories of this day inspire us in ways that bring us

a hope-filled clarity about who we are, what we can do,

and what our lives are about. As we walk this dusty path,

may we see only the love and passion of those who journey

with us and be inspired.   Amen

Go In Peace

Many thanks to our Music Director, Michelle Currie, and Patricia Mulholland & The Union Church Choir, and to our Zoom Host, our reader today, Ada Goff, and to all who helped with Worship this morning.

Leadership of Union Church:

Moderator: Paul Schlaver

Clerk: Anita Coupe

Treasurer: Debbie Lamb

Mission Chair: Ken Murray

Deacons: Stephen Fox, Chair; Sandra Ragan, Rev. Lamar Robinson, Nancy Batchelor, Sharon Gaudin, Bob Sherman, and Heather Davis as an Associate Deacon

Trustees: John Comeau, Chair; Bob Sherman, Ron Ramsey, Don Chretien, and Rob Harriman

Finance: Peter McPheeters, Chair, Debbie Lamb, Doug Firebaugh, Brad Coupe, and Bob Sherman

Program: Ken Murray, Chair

Music Director: Michelle Currie

Choir Director: Patricia Mulholland

Musical Team:  Jen and John Comeau, Ada Goff, Neal Zweig, and Cheryl Sager, Church Choir

Promotions Person: Anita Coupe

Webmaster: Wonderful Websites

Pastor’s Contact Info:  Rev. Paula Norbert:

Pnorbert1217@gmail.com; 207-205-4951

              Happy Easter!