Our Soul Friends

It is such a gift to see so many of you in person this morning…and to know others are with us from a distance as well. To see your shining eyes, to be together in prayer in this sacred space is a real joy.

Peace Is Every Step

Our reading today from the prophet Isaiah speaks of Yahweh’s demand that peace, justice and truth reign in the world.

Finding our Authentic Voices

That Pentecost day, with the Spirit in the air, the disciples were suddenly
clear about their stories and their intention to chare their stories with the world.

clear about their stories and their intention to share their stories with the world.

Maybe it was the rushing wind that had jolted them out of complacency.

Imagination and Wonder

The graduation season has begun once again and there are signs of a return to at least some of the rituals which accompany this important rite of passage for so many young people.

On Mother’s Day: Joy That Lasts

There is a passage in the Gospel of John where we hear these important words that Jesus shared as he says to his dearest friends and to us, “You did not choose me but I chose you. And I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last, so that God will give you whatever you ask in my name. I am giving you these commands so that you may love one another.“

Our Good Shepherds

Today, our readings evoke the beautiful imagery of the Good Shepherd, both through our Call to Worship which echoes the language of Psalm 23 and from our reading in the passage from 1 John.

What Is Your Resurrection Story?

Happy Easter to each of you this morning.  We have come together to celebrate the joy of Easter, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, our belief that new life indeed may break forth and give us hope and the promise of better days ahead.  It has been a wonderful start to spring here in Maine, a […]

Hearing the Call

Rev. Paula Norbert We have these lovely themes today…of waiting in silence for God, and of God’s call that goes out to Jonah, one the prophets in the Hebrew Scriptures, as well as to the early followers of Jesus who became his trusted companions on the journey of healing and hope. The passages from Jonah […]

Sweet Land of Liberty, Of Thee I Sing

Rev. Paula Norbert Each year, we remember Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King and his work for civil rights, economic justice, and peace. His birthday was January 15th and so the decision to remember him with a national holiday always falls near that date each year. It was 1986 when this date was first observed for […]

God is Holding Us

Rev. Paula Norbert I want you to know that I began working on our Worship earlier this week, prior to the tragic events which took place on Wednesday, January 6th in our nation’s capital. I had already selected the readings and written some of my Sermon before that day unfolded. Like many pastors, I am […]