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                                   Order of Service

               Let us be as open vessels that God’s spirit may enter.

The Community Gathers:  Experience God’s presence in the assembly.

Please greet one another with joy and welcome new friends into our

community of love. You are welcome here…come and worship!     


Do we really need much more than this? To honor the dawn. To visit a garden. To talk to a friend. To contemplate a cloud. To cherish a meal. To bow our heads before the mystery of the day. Are these not enough?                                      Kent Nerburn

Gathering Music:   From A Distance (by Julie Gold)             -Michelle Currie

Welcome:                                                                 Rev. Paula Norbert

Responsive Call to Worship:  Psalm 98

Leader:  Come, sing a new song to God!
All:         Remember all the times full of wonder
               God has already shared.
Leader:  Listen to the music, open your hearts,
All:         Make a joyful noise to God, all the earth!
Leader:  Open the windows. Listen to the choirs outdoors,
                feathered and furred.
All:         Let the hills sing together for joy!
Leader:  For God is not done doing wonders!

All:         God is coming to set everything right.
               Sing a new song to God!

Opening Hymn: How Great Thou Art   #625   vs. 1 & 2


     Source of Life who is known by many names;

Over-turner and illuminator of hearts;

    we gather with gratitude for the earth and all who journey in it.

    We give thanks for the interconnectedness of all creation.

Source of justice who is known by many names;

    let us not swerve from the path of righteousness

    that leads to just and equitable relationships.

Give us the strength to leave behind that which is most comfortable and claim our place in the movement to transform creation; that our voice, our heart, our spirit will

    join those who demand to live with respect, justice, and peace.       

Lords Prayer:    

Awakening: Flourishing, Thriving (by Jillian Edwards)  -Michelle Currie                     

Readings: Limitless Love, A Prayer, Mark 4:26-34     -Nancy Batchelor                                                         

(After the readings you may choose to respond, “Thanks be to God”)         

Sermon:  Flourishing                                               Rev. Paula Norbert

Sermon Response:  Meditative Instrumental                 ~ Michelle Currie

Musical call to Prayer:  Hush now in quiet peace, be still your mind at

ease. The Spirit brings release, so wait upon the Lord. (two times)

                               Prayers of the People:

Silent Prayers                                                      Pastoral Prayer

Closing Hymn:  We Are One in the Spirit                #300  vs. 1-3

Blessing                                                            Rev. Paula Norbert

Love is the Spirit of this Church.

May the songs we sing celebrate this Love.

May the lives we lead embody this Spirit.

May you all go forth in peace.

Response:  Thanks be to God

Closing:  Go In Peace…

Go in peace and the peace of God be with you this day.

Go in peace and the peace of God be with you always.

Celebrate and share the joy! Celebrate new life!

Go in peace and the peace of God be with you always.